Schlagwort: Project Management


Every Project Manger has to keep track of the Budget used (Costs), the Timeline (Progress) and of course the quality of all the Deliverables done by the Project Team. The Project Controlling Document is a simple to use Tasklist based on Excel. It can be used as a Budget Controlling Instrument as you can… Weiterlesen »


Das Erstellen eines formalen schriftlichen Projektauftrages (Project Brief oder Project Initialisation Document) wirkt wie eine sehr formale Tat. Das ist es auch und es benötigt einige Zeit, um genau zu definieren, um was es beim Projekt geht und was das erwartete Ergebnis ist. Aber glauben Sie uns, es lohnt sich und Sie sollten nie ein… Weiterlesen »


Defining a formal written document called Project Brief might look like a very formal act to you. It is and it really takes some time in order to exactly define what the project is all about and what’s the expected result once the project has been completed successfully. But believe me, it is worth it… Weiterlesen »


A project needs structure before it is started. The perfect way to structure all kinds of projects is to use a Project Phase Model. You will discover that the Project Phase Model is so generic that it can be easily adapted onto all of your projects. That’s why we call it “a standard methodology… Weiterlesen »


Within a Project Brief (please refer to PID – Project Initalisation Document) you define your Project Team. It is very important to choose the right people with the correct skills of course, becouse nothing is more troubled than having Project Employees which do just not have the correct skills to do execute work packages in… Weiterlesen »